Available Services
Need more time sheets to keep track of your community service hours? Click the link above and download the form.
Sobriety is difficult to do on your own. We are firm believers in aftercare and the twelve step program. Click on the link to find AA meetings in our area.
Unsure where to go to do your Substance Abuse Assessment, Domestic Violence Classes or other services. Click the link for information about the providers available in our area.
Need more attendance sheets for your AA/Celebrate Recovery meeting attendance. Click the link above.
So where do you do your community service? Click the link for a list of places that are approved community service providers. Remember that all community service has to be approved hours.
If you are on DA supervision, then you have been ordered to pay Supervision fees in the amount of $40 per month. This fee is due on the 1st of every month but can be paid online. Click the link to make a payment.
Bogus Check PLC code: 9054
Restitution PLC code: 9055
Supervision PLC code: 9056
Bogus Check PLC code: 9054
Restitution PLC code: a003ez
Supervision PLC code: a003f3
To pay over the phone please call